All testimonials published with the patient permission.
“I thought I would like to contact you to applaud your department following my colonoscopy on Saturday morning``

“The covid test went extremely smoothly, also with a very friendly nurse who explained the procedure clearly.

“Once in the treatment room, again I was met with a team of friendly cheerful medics. The procedure was carried out efficiently and professionally, I felt no pain or discomfort and was able to watch the screen during the procedure.``

“After a while I was taken back to the changing room and continued the wait for the report in the discharge area.``

“I would like to pass on my heartfelt compliments to the staff who work within the Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Unit.``

“The doctor who carried out the procedure was called Jane Cook, and she had two colleagues with her (whose names I have unfortunately forgotten and I apologise for that.)``

“I really want to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to those three. Especially so to the gentleman who held my hand throughout the procedure.``

“After discovering from a private medical that I had an issue with my bowel, I would like to express how impressed I have been with your team, from the very first phone call to arrange the appointment, to being discharged on Saturday.``

“On arrival at the DTU on Saturday morning I was first greeted by a cheerful receptionist I am sure was smiling behind the mask she had to wear. After a very short wait in reception, a nurse then called my name and I was taken to a room where the nurse asked me questions and explained the procedure and what I would experience during my treatment.``

“When in recovery I was looked after by Jade. Again very cheerful and professional. I was quickly given refreshments and the call was made to my wife to let her know that I was ready to be collected.``

“My sincere thanks goes out to all in your department for the happy, friendly and professional way this process was carried out.``

“I had a procedure on 24th April and was incredibly anxious (I have depression and anxiety and ADHD,) and everyone was very kind, caring, reassuring and accommodating.``

“With sincere thanks.”

“The lady that called me to arrange the appointment was very patient with me as I rejected the first 2 dates and agreed on the 3rd. The letter of confirmation with other related info arrived the very next day. I then had a telephone pre op assessment phone call which again was handled very professionally and friendly by the staff member.``

“The nurse, Clem, was again very smiley, happy and friendly and after our discussion and the consent form completion, showed me the changing room and then the waiting area, coming back a little later to insert the cannula for my sedation.``

“There was an issue with my report being printed which caused a delay and Jade was continually apologising for the problem.``

“Hopefully I will not need to visit you again any time soon!”

“The nurse who booked me in I have unfortunately forgotten the name of, but she was very kind and really tried to reassure me, and I greatly appreciate it, and would like it passed on if possible.``

“If possible, I would like their seniors to be made aware of their excellent care, and for them to be formally praised for it.``