Work With
Eastern Gastroenterology Group
Eastern Gastroenterology Group is continually recruiting clinical, nursing and administrative staff to work out of hours at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Trust. We are currently seeking expressions of interest from experienced staff for the following key roles:
Your Details
To register your interest, simply complete and submit the form, selecting the type of role that you are interested in. As we begin to recruit staff for each vacancy, we will be in touch to discuss your chosen role with you in more detail.

Your Questions Answered
What will my rate of pay be?
All nursing and administration staff are employed on a ‘per list’ basis (am and/or pm). Gross pay rates will be provided at application stage and include tax, NI and pension contributions at 3% (you have the right to opt out of pension scheme). Rates of pay are reviewed annually and increases are subject to individual contributions, as well as the performance of the business as a whole.
What will my job be and will I have a contract?
Upon completing your application and being offered a post, you will be issued with a job description and contract, which will be reviewed annually, with a new contract issued if applicable. You may leave at any stage, by providing 4 weeks written notice.
Can I work flexibly?
All contracts are a zero hour commitment and scheduling is on a 4-6 week basis. We will, however, look for a level of commitment from you that ensures the smooth running of patient services.
What will my working hours be?
Lists will run broadly in line with standard NHS hours, operating morning and afternoon schedules. These schedules are likely to be AM: 8.00am to 1.00pm and PM: 1.30pm to 6.30pm. It is important to be aware that, due to unforeseen circumstances, lists may run over.
How will you track the hours I work?
You will be responsible for checking in and out with the co-ordinator in charge during your shift. You will need to complete worksheets, which will require an approval signature from the co-ordinator.
Will I get paid for parking, travel and lunch?
We are all local people, supporting our local Trust. For this reason, travel, parking and lunch costs have been factored into the generous rates of pay. If travel outside of the East Anglia Region is required, it will be authorised and you will be reimbursed accordingly.
When and how will I be paid?
You will be paid monthly in arrears by M&A Payroll Services. Payment will be made to your nominated account on the 30th of each calendar month.
As an example, all hours worked and submitted between 6th November and 30th November, will be paid into your bank on 30th December.
How do you check that I am competent in my role?
To ensure we are compliant, we will need to have a copy of your certification, mandatory training completion, as well as a reference from your current or most recent line manager. Copies of NHS Trust training and your current personal development plan will also suffice.
Will you protect my data?
We adhere to strict data protection rules and regulations. CLICK HERE to view our Privacy Policy.
What would I do if I were sick?
We understand that people are sick from time to time. If you are sick, you will need to contact your co-ordinator at least 2 hours before your scheduled list to inform them of your inability to attend work. They will then seek a replacement to cover your workload on that day.